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Our work exists through the abundant generosity of donors and volunteers.

Your gift brings hope and
healing to families in need.

Everything offered to families is completely free of charge! The diapers, the formula, the caregiving, the time – everything is free. Our ability to provide these services comes from the generosity of regular people. No government funding, just people who care about others. 


If you are able to join our team through a financial gift, we invite you to do so. Our donations are stewarded carefully and spent intentionally. The focus will always be to use the blessings we have to bring Christ's love to struggling families in a tangible way. 

Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Together for Good has discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

Man lifts smiling child
Young girl lays next to her newborn sibling

Writing a Check?

Please note in the memo line which TFG site you would like to bless (or designate general TFG if you want it to go to whatever is most needed). 

Checks are payable to:
Together for Good
1407 Cleveland Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55108

Will you be the person that helps to provide the "love that I never knew was possible?" Tammy, a TFG participant mom, shares in the video below how being connected with Together for Good has transformed her life.

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